Maybe you’re already know, but there was a recent study at Johns Hopkins University with promising results:
These days, there is talk of a „psychedelic renaissance“. Hopefully it’ll be more sensible and mature compared to the 1960’s. Here is a psychiatrist’s opinion of the renewed interest:
Also, at the beginning of the article, you mention Timothy Leary at Boston University, but I believe he was in the psychology department at Harvard University.
Another thing I learned recently was that one of the prominent psychiatrists to work with psychedelics, Stanislav Grof, was from Prague. I think he was conducting research in Czechoslovakia during the communist regime, and later moved to the U.S.
Anyway, thanks for an interesting article. I read it via Google Translator.
]]>Neumíte li zacházet s jedy, nehrajte si s nimi.
]]>Ne vždy s echtem souhlasím, ale tentokrát má pravdu. Jeho příspěvek berte jako poučení a zároveň jako dobrou radu 😉
]]>John C. Lilly md.- Vědec
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